Archive for November, 2011

Add repeating CSS selectors

Have you ever needed a way to style the elements of a set ( lets say 5 ) individually, but the same rules to be applied to other set ( of 5 ) ?

For example:

     <p>lorem ipsum ...</p>
     <div>lorem ipsum ...</div>
     <!-- here end our first set -->
     <h2>lorem ipsum ...</h2>
     <span>lorem ipsum ...</span>
     <!-- here end our 2nd set -->

and we want that the first h4 in the first set have same styles as the first h4 in the second and so on, of course our h4’s are not grouped, but they are scattered between other elements, and other h4’s can be added in the future.

If we have a way to distinguish our elements from the other then we can make a short script with jQuery to add classes.

For a group of five css classes that will repeat after a number ( for this example we took, n = 5 ), this means that our h4’s from 1 to 5 will have same classes with the h4’s from 6 to 10, and so on; for this we will use something that in math is called ‘modulo’, basically gives us the remaining of the division of two numbers, and as we can get the index of our element we can see which position has in our set ( in this case of 5 ).

$('div h4').each(function(index) {

	if(index%5 == 0){
	} else if(index%5 == 1){
	} else if(index%5 == 2){
	} else if(index%5 == 3){
	} else if(index%5 == 4){

the result would be:

     <h4 class="first">first</h4>
     <p>lorem ipsum ...</p>
     <h4 class="second">second</h4>
     <h4 class="third">third</h4>
     <h4 class="forth">forth</h4>
     <div>lorem ipsum ...</div>
     <h4 class="fifth">fifth</h4>
     <!-- here end our first set -->
     <h4 class="first">first</h4>
     <h4 class="second">second</h4>
     <h2>lorem ipsum ...</h2>
     <h4 class="third">third</h4>
     <span>lorem ipsum ...</span>
     <h4 class="forth">forth</h4>
     <h4 class="fifth">fifth</h4>
     <!-- here end our 2nd set -->

Math trick to impress your friends

This is cool to impress someone with your “paranormal” skills.

Put someone to choose a random number, preferably a large one ( 3 or 4 figures ), and he (or she) have to keep this number secret from you and do the following math with it:

xyz = he’s or she’s chosen number ( ex. 315 )

Step1: xyz * 3 ( multiply by 3, ex. 315 * 3 = 945 )

Step2: then take the result and add all it’s figures ( abcd => a+b+c+d , ex. 945 => 9 + 4 + 5 = 18 )

Step3: Repeat Step1 with the new number ( the sum of figures, ex. 18 * 3 = 54 )

Step4: Repeat Step2 ( ex. 5 + 4 = 9 )

Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you get a one figure number.

When the person or persons finished the above algorithm, you tell them the number they’ve got ( which with the algorithm above will be always 9 !), and the question that will appear will sure be “How did you know ?”, … :) try it!