
Random start cycle

function randomBox(randomItem) {

  randomItem = $(randomItem);

  var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * randomItem.length);

  randomItem.eq(random % randomItem.length).addClass('active');

  function startRand() {

    var current = randomItem.parent().find('.active');

    if (':last-child') ) {
    } else {

    setTimeout(function(){startRand()}, 2500);


randomBox('.list > .item');

Prevent bxSlider stop auto

Prevent bxSlider stop auto slides transition, when navigating through slides.

	var slider = $('#slideshow').bxSlider({
		auto: true,
		stopAuto: false,
		startSlide: 0
	$(document).on('click','.bx-pager-link',function() {

BxSlider slides counter

Update! Scroll to updated code.

Add a slides counter ( current/total ) to bxSlider carousels, using bxSlider callbacks and methods.
You just have to add an html element ( ex. ‘<div id=”slide-counter”></div>’ ), where to show the numbers, and the code below will do the rest.

function insertCount(slide_curr,slide_count){
	$('#slide-counter').html('<strong>'+ (slide_curr + 1) +'</strong>/'+ slide_count);

var slider = $('#slideshow').bxSlider({
	auto: true,
	pager: false,
	onSliderLoad: function (){
		var slide_count = slider.getSlideCount();
		var slide_curr = slider.getCurrentSlide();
	onSlideNext: function (){
		var slide_count = slider.getSlideCount();
		var slide_curr = slider.getCurrentSlide();
	onSlidePrev: function (){
		var slide_count = slider.getSlideCount();
		var slide_curr = slider.getCurrentSlide();

Because ‘onSlideNext’ and ‘onSlidePrev’ callbacks are executed only before each “Next” or “Prev” slide transition, if you want to use a ‘pager’ for navigating through slides, you’ll need to use the ‘onSlideAfter’ callback.

function insertCount(slide_curr,slide_count){
	$('#slide-counter').html('<strong>'+ (slide_curr + 1) +'</strong>/'+ slide_count);

var slider = $('#slideshow').bxSlider({
	auto: true,
	pager: false,
	onSliderLoad: function (){
		var slide_count = slider.getSlideCount();
		var slide_curr = slider.getCurrentSlide();
	onSlideAfter: function (){
		var slide_count = slider.getSlideCount();
		var slide_curr = slider.getCurrentSlide();

Here you can find a demo.

Updated code, and demo with the latest BxSlider version.
The old code with the 4.1.2 bxSlider version, throws an error if the “getSlideCount()” public method is called in a callback fuction.

$('#slide-counter').prepend('<strong class="current-index"></strong>/');

var slider = $('#slideshow').bxSlider({
	auto: true,
	onSliderLoad: function (currentIndex){
		$('#slide-counter .current-index').text(currentIndex + 1);
	onSlideBefore: function ($slideElement, oldIndex, newIndex){
		$('#slide-counter .current-index').text(newIndex + 1);


Updated demo

JQuery Cycle pager with leading zeros

Adding leading zeros to Cycle’s pager can sometimes make a big visual difference. Using the pagerAnchorBuilder this can be achieved very simple:

pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
	if (idx < 10) {
		return '<li><a href="#">0' + (idx+1) + '</a></li>';
	} else {
		return '<li><a href="#">' + (idx+1) + '</a></li>';

jQuery Cycle with carousel thumbs pager

A nice cycle gallery with thumbnail pictures navigation ( like here ), but to use less space, make the thumbnails pager a carousel. ( see a demo here … note, that this is just to prove the concept, not much attention was given to styles ).

If you have “Prev / Next” controls on the cycle slideshow, then you will stumble upon an annoying situation: When you cycle through the slides with the cycle controls, and reach the last visible thumbnail in carousel, you will have to use the carousel controls to go to the current slide’s thumb; to avoid this i used the cycle’s ‘onPrevNextEvent’ callback to navigate through the carousel in the same time you cycle through the slides.

You will need:

1. jQuery

2. Cycle plugin

3. any jquery carousel you want ( i have used jCarousel lite )

Make the markup as you want, and adapt the jQuery code to it.

    fx: 'scrollHorz',
    speed: 'fast',
    timeout: 0,
    prev: '#prev',
    next: '#next',
    nowrap: 1,
    pager: '#slide-pager ul',
    pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
        // return selector string for existing anchor
        return '#slide-pager ul li:eq(' + idx + ') a';
    onPrevNextEvent: function(dir, id, el) {
        if (dir === true) {
		if (id >= 3) { //replace '3' with your number of visible elements
        else {
		if (id >= 1) {

    btnNext: "#slide-pager_next",
    btnPrev: "#slide-pager_prev",
    circular: false,
    visible: 3

See the demo here.

How to add a class to the current slide in jQuery Cycle

I think that every web developer heard about jQuery Cycle plugin, and we all know that is the most simple to use, and the best regarding the options that it has, but that doesn’t mean is bullet proof. In some weird coincidence, I needed a css selector on the current slide ( something like class=”current” ), after I clicked “Inspect element”, I was surprised to find out that Cycle doesn’t have any kind of css selector on the slides ( what looney would need it ) ; so I start searching for a solution,  and that’s how we end up to the snippet of code bellow.

Here is the markup,

<ul id="slideshow">
           <img src="path-to-slide1.jpg" width="400" height="300" alt="" />
           <img src="path-to-slide2.jpg" width="400" height="300" alt="" />
     ... etc

and the js,

     fx: 'fade',
     speed: 'slow',
     timeout: 3000,
     before: function(){
      after: function(){

I still don’t think this is the best approach to this problem, but it works, and if you know a better way, please leave a comment.

Here you will find a demo, to see it in action.