Add line breaks in SVG text with jQuery, based on a separator. In the example below the separator is plain text <br>.
<div class="svg-container">
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<tspan x="0" y="0" style="font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 8px;">Lorem ipsum <br> dolor sit amet</tspan>
$('.svg-container').each(function() {
// line breaks
$(this).find('text').each(function() {
if (/<br>/i.test($(this).text())) {
var tspan = $(this).find('tspan:first-child');
var tspanX = tspan.attr('x');
var tspanY = tspan.attr('y');
var tspanStyle = tspan.attr('style');
var lines = $(this).text().split('<br>');
var lineHeight = parseFloat(tspan.css('fontSize'));
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
$(this).append('<tspan x="'+ tspanX +'" y="'+ (parseFloat(tspanY) + (lineHeight * i)) +'" style="'+ tspanStyle +'">'+ $.trim(lines[i]) +'</tspan>');
// refresh svg
stupid idea to manipulate SVG element by script